The treturious threes took some time for me to adjust. I am handling the age three a lot better now. It seemed like over night she went from a little baby that went with what I wanted, to knowing what, when, and how she wanted to do things and wants things her way. Which reminds me a lot of myself. Who does not want things their way? I have learned to not be so controling with things that to do not matter. For instance, if she wants to drink out of a diffrent cup than the one I got for her, I will get her the cup she wants. I read that at this age children need to feel like they have some control of their lives.
Monica took her 3 1/2 year pictures.
Paige only had one melt down and Monica captured the moment. She went from mad to happy in two seconds when I reminded her that if she was good I would give her chocolate. Usually, I try not to reward her with food, but I wanted to get good pictures. The pictures turned out amazing.

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